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Hi my name is Giselle Swaiss. Just this year I joined AdVENTURE. Even though I joined AdVENTURE in the middle of the school year it was very easy for me to get on track and catch up with what the rest of the 8th graders here at AdVENTURE were doing with their help. I have had a great year being here at AdVENTURE. You learn so many things at AdVENTURE and you do a bunch of different projects that you will enjoy. This school is not like other schools you are actually given real life world problems to work on as projects. I learned so many things being in this school and I have only been here for half the school year.

In AdVENTURE we use computers in every class. The only time we won't use computers is when we have a guest speaker or if we a doing something different than we are normally are doing. It's a good thing we are using computers because we learn how to do different things on them and lots of kids in other schools don't get the we do for computers, they are always using pencil and paper and that makes learning boring.At AdVENTURE we are mostly doing projects and presentations with a deadline that we would normally get for jobs and things like that. We do all of this to be prepared for the real world that will be filled with technology.


Being an AdVENTURE student means you have to be willing to work with other people whether you like them or not. Collaboration is a huge part of AdVENTURE. Most of the projects we do here are group project so we learn how to work with people. In the future at work if you want to work with your friend you may not always be working with them, if you don't like someone you will still have to work with them or you can get fired. Your boss won't change who they paired you up with and complaining could possibly get you fired and no one wants that so at AdVENTURE they teach you how to work with others.

Being an AdVENTURE student means that you get to do a lot of things that kids in normal middle schools don’t get to do.As I mentioned earlier they are stuck with paper and pencil so learning for them isn’t fun like it is for those of use that use technology at school all the time. In the beginning of the school year I was a student at Herman at first it was good but then it got boring and it made it so that I wasn’t interested in learning. When I transferred to AdVENTURE I was actually interested in learning, I enjoyed all the projects and work we did whether it was easy or not.

Being an AdVENTURE student also means being responsible. Responsibility is a huge part about being an AdVENTURE student. At AdVENTURE if you don’t turn in your work on time it is put as a zero in the grade book. Here in AdVENTURE we have the saying, “Once a zero always a zero,” so once there’s a zero in the gradebook you can't get rid of it.

What It Means To Be An AdVENTURE Student

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